I Wanna Win!

I don’t wanna get paid to lose. I wanna win!
…Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 
1 Corinthians 15.7 NASB

The Quote

The Scripture

1 Corinthians 15 is the obligatory Sunrise Service portion of scripture. It rings out on every Easter morning. Death is swallowed up in victory. Yes. We follow the winner. Call us Christians bandwagon fans, but we know that in the ultimate game of life and death, we choose to side with the One who has kicked Death in the butt.

Death is swallowed up in victory.
The picture is amazing here. Death—Mighty Death—is swallowed up. Consider: how big does one thing need to be in order to swallow up another thing? Twice as big? Three times? I, as a 5-foot, 10-inch individual, need to cut a little 6 oz. steak into pieces in order to chew it before swallowing.

Sometimes we picture a grand struggle, where Jesus labored and fought and scratched and clawed before finally wrenching the keys of Hades from Death. But 1 Corinthians 15 tells us that His greatness was big enough to swallow death, much like a human swallowing a bug. Almost, as if, by accident. With little to no effort comparatively. And that victory has been secured and passed on to us. It is in this vein that John Donne penned the following:

72. “Death be not proud, though some have called thee”

DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so,
For, those, whom thou think’st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleepe, which but thy pictures bee, 5
Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee doe goe,
Rest of their bones, and soules deliverie.
Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poyson, warre, and sicknesse dwell, 10
And poppie, or charmes can make us sleepe as well,
And better then thy stroake; why swell’st thou then;
One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die.

To the victor goes the spoils. Christ, The Victor, has defeated Death and now lords it over him by granting the victory to us. You may ask, why do you capitalize this term: Death? Isn’t that something that just happens to us at the end of this life? The answer is no. This is not the death that was defeated. What was defeated is the active force that infects all of humanity. It is the Death that springs up from within and corrupts the activity of mankind, causing all of us to fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3.23) Without Christ’s victory we would have no hope—neither in the next life nor in this one.

The Application

To live the Christian life with a defeated attitude is like being paid to lose. It’s like Nacho Libre getting a paycheck to be some loser’s punching bag. Don’t be Satan’s punching bag in this life. God has much more for you than just a home in heaven, He wants you to make a difference in this life. Strengthen yourself by abiding in His Word. Let that Word influence your thinking and activities. Then you will see victory in your life, the victory that glorifies God because He has provided it to us.

via http://www.wetalkofholythings.com/2013/06/i-wanna-win.html

Wearing Stretchy Pants

Chancho, when you are a man you wear stretchy pants in your room, it’s for fun. 
When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child.
But when I grew up, I put away childish things.
—1 Corinthians 13:11 NLT

The Quote

The Scripture

Paul, in the seminal chapter of love, begins his conclusion in verse 8 with the statement that love never fails. There is never a circumstance in which true love comes up short. Selfishness and impurity are sure to falter if even virtues that are good and just fail. Even the gifts of the Holy Spirit fail, but love never does because love is an expression of the divine nature.

It is implied that we should strive to perfect this divine attribute in our own lives. That is why Paul continues the concluding argument in verses 11 and 12. He says that we need to grow in love and mature in our spiritual walk. Some things are acceptable for children in the faith, but are disgraceful for mature spiritual Christians to partake in. By that same token, there are certain things that no one should expect a spiritual infant to partake in which a man nearing their spiritual prime must do.

Life is expressed in seasons. We have beginning, middle and end seasons—all of which have their individual rites of passage and milestones. Despite this progression in maturity one directive remains: we are to continually put off the Old Man and put on the New Man—the New Man whose life has been reinvigorated by the Lord Jesus. This is God’s expectation regardless of which stage you find yourself in your spiritual journey.

The Application

What are you learning from scripture that needs to be applied to your life today? Maybe you are struggling with something you know scripture condemns as wrong. Maybe you are struggling with a question of doctrine or grappling with the philosophical implications of scripture. Know that the process of learning questions those things which you think you know. Sometimes what you thought you knew turns out to be false. Sometimes what you thought you knew is confirmed.

Just because your traditional spiritual life is different does not make it right or wrong. Sometimes, as with Ignacio, when we get older we wear stretchy pants in our room. Sometimes, when informed by the wisdom that comes from experience, we will undergo a dramatic change in our position on certain things.

The acceptance of that fact is called maturity.

via http://www.wetalkofholythings.com/2013/06/wearing-stretchy-pants.html

Family Camp Talks of Holy Things (Part 2)

Now or Later…Continued

I was planning to add a cool voice over to this presentation so it would be more interactive and self-explanatory. But I realized that there was no time for that, and since the iron has cooled off a bit, I decided to strike while it was semi-lukewarm. But you already knew that from yesterday, didn’t you?

Spanish Family Camp was fun. I really enjoyed speaking to the kids who didn’t want to listen to a message in Spanish. I think they really liked the chocolate I gave out during sword drills. It was a symbiotic relationship, really. I thought that was clever, can you tell?

So anyways, here’s my Prezi Presentation used for the “Spanish Family Camp Message for the Jovenes That Want to Hear a Message in English.” Actually, this is my second presentation. But who’s counting?



Here are the articles referenced in the presentation. These posts have the expanded explanations I based the message on. (Listed in order of appearance during the lecture.)

This was an interactive lesson, let me know what you think of it with a comment. I’d love to get some feedback!

via http://www.wetalkofholythings.com/2013/06/family-camp-talks-of-holy-things-part-2.html

Family Camp Talks of Holy Things (Part 1)

Now or Later

I was planning to add a cool voice over to this presentation so it would be more interactive and self-explanatory. But I realized that there was no time for that, and since the iron has cooled off a bit, I decided to strike while it was semi-lukewarm.

Spanish Family Camp was fun. I really enjoyed speaking to the kids who didn’t want to listen to a message in Spanish. I think they really liked the chocolate I gave out during sword drills. It was a symbiotic relationship, really.

So anyways, here’s my Prezi Presentation used for the “Spanish Family Camp Message for the Jovenes That Want to Hear a Message in English.”



Here are the articles referenced in the presentation. These posts have the expanded explanations I based the message on. (Listed in order of appearance during the lecture.)

This was an interactive lesson, let me know what you think of it with a comment. I’d love to get some feedback!

via http://www.wetalkofholythings.com/2013/06/family-camp-talks-of-holy-things-part-1.html

No Nacho Libre Today

I Smell Cookies…

So I have no new Nuggets of Nacho today, I’m sorry about the pain this undoubtedly causes you. I have been preparing for this weekend’s Spanish Family Camp, and there simply hasn’t been time for me to cook up any Nuggets of Nacho. This is going to be the first conference that I have been asked to speak (I’m not counting the baby-sitting from Couples Plus). I’ll be delivering a couple 45-minute messages for Middle/High School/Early College kids who want to hear a message in English. We’ll see if they show up.

So, in order to satiate your need for Nuggets, I give you an index of all previously published Nuggets of Nacho. Catch up on all the yummy goodness from Nacho and the Bounty of God’s Word.

via http://www.wetalkofholythings.com/2013/05/no-nacho-libre-today.html

I Saw You From the Village

“How did you find me here?” 
“I saw you from the village.”

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves. –Philippians 2.3 NASB

The Quote

The Scripture

The quote highlighted in this scene has always struck me as incredibly self-absorbed and ridiculous  I suppose that’s what makes it great comedy. But what’s not funny is self absorption.

I have argued before that the opposite of love is not hate, but selfishness. Love is supposed to be social, it’s supposed to be given away. When one’s love is occupied with themselves it excludes all others. This behavior sometimes leads to situations where one actually starts feeling that they are all alone in the wilderness when they are actually quite visible from the village.

Scripture clearly teaches that we are to have a proper perspective when considering ourselves in relation to others. We are to give preference and respect to others.

The Application

Notice that humility is a mentality. It is something that we must consciously do. In other words, this does not just come naturally. We must consistently evaluate our thoughts and behavior to ensure that they remain humble. Naturally, we will wallow in self-absorption and pity. That is not the attitude that God desires for us.

via http://www.wetalkofholythings.com/2013/05/i-saw-you-from-village.html

Salvation and Stuff

“I’m a little concerned right now about your salvation and stuff.”
How will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? –Hebrews 2:3a NASB

The Quote

The Scripture

The writer of Hebrews at the beginning of the book is primarily concerned with the preeminence of Christ in light of the things that have come before. Christ is greater than the prophets, because the prophets made reference to him. Christ is greater than the angels, because the angels are just facilitators for his purpose. And what was his purpose in this world? To redeem his creation.

By this logic, since Christ is the preeminent creature (used with respect) to ever grace this planet, his purpose should also be the preeminent purpose for his followers. Christ came to redeem all creation and has given us the task of spreading his gospel to mankind (Matthew 28:19). We should always be concerned for the salvation of our colleagues, friends and neighbors because that is what concerns our Christ.

If we truly consider ourselves to be followers of Christ, we must have a desire to share his gospel with others.

The Application

The video clips shows Nacho taking active steps toward bringing his new friend/colleague, Esqueleto, to faith. This illustrates the fact that spreading the gospel is an active thing, it is not a passive hobby. Yes, we should dowse the situation in prayer. Yes we should be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading. Yes, we should gauge he situation and ensure that it is appropriate. But spreading the gospel means decisive action.

No, I do not mean we need to stand up on our desks and preach from John 3, though there may be an appropriate time for that. I am saying that we need to live the gospel and let it shine through our daily actions. This display should be a constant portrait of what the gospel does in a life. How do people know we are Christ’s disciples? We love one another. Live a life of love.

But how can people believe without hearing or even hear without a preacher? (Romans 10:14) We can live out love all we want, at some point the gospel must be articulated. Again, these things must be done with tact–unlike Nacho from the video clip. Are we concerned enough to speak out when the time comes?

This assumes that you know the gospel and can articulate the message clearly. Perhaps some study now will be necessary for that future moment. Take the time to learn, so that you will have an answer for the hope that is within you. (1 Peter 3:15) Remember, at the heart of all this is the desire to please our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who left us with this hope to share with the world.

More Reading

via http://www.wetalkofholythings.com/2013/04/salvation-and-stuff.html

A Better Duty and Easters

“Your only job is to cook. Do you not realize I have had diarrhea since Easters?”

“Ok, maybe I am not meant for these duties. Cooking duty, Dead-guy duty. Maybe it’s time for me to get a better duty!”

The Quote

The Scripture

Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive?

Imagine that first Easter morning. I don’t know very much about Judean culture at the time of Christ, but I’m pretty sure people weren’t rising from the dead every day. In fact, I know for sure that nobody had ever raised themselves from the dead. So the shock factor of a missing corpse was likely immense!

The angels’ advice was sensible though. Living people don’t usually hang out in graveyards. Living people are usually active in the community. Christ rose from the dead and appeared to many. After that, he gave his followers instructions before ascending into heaven. His instructions began with, “Go.”

The Application

He sends us to go as well. We each have our own duty and we are expected to do it well. We are given many adjectives regarding the quality of our service, including: Cheerful, Diligent, Faithful and As Unto the Lord. Remember the words of St. Francis of Asisi: “Preach and when necessary use words.”

Maybe we need to re-evaluate what we are (or are not) doing and re-align it with God’s will. Maybe we are slacking in our current service and it’s hurting those around us. Or maybe we need to accept a new calling and step out in faith.

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via http://www.wetalkofholythings.com/2013/04/a-better-duty-and-easters.html